Wednesday, November 28, 2012


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to briefly mention what I am thankful for. First and foremost, food and treats. I should probably say Mommy and Daddy here but I really like to eat. I am also thankful for Mommy and Daddy because they are the ones that have to give me food and treats. I'm particularly thankful for beef, chicken, ham, turkey, bacon, and ice cream.
Last week Mommy and the creature left Daddy and I here in Albuquerque. I seized the opportunity to take naps in her horseshoe pillow and she couldn't usurp it.

I would also like to announce that the creature has officially passed me in size so I have regained my original nickname (Tiny) that she tookover. She now weighs 12 pounds (I am a slim and trim 10.5)
She also had to get shots so was particularly whiny and kept waking me up from my naps.

Here we all are doing "tummy time." I really dont see what all the fuss is about. Mom and Dad are working on rolling over with her now. I learned it much faster than she did but at least they aren't giving her treats since she doesn't do her tricks yet.

This used to be my spot. I can only do so much sharing before I get pissed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I know I am a little bit late on my Halloween post but things have been very busy around here. I've had lots of people come visit me lately so I feel obligated to hang out with them thus why I haven't been blogging. I know you were all dying to know what I dressed up as for Halloween. Well, I was a turtle, fitting isn't it? My sister was a lady bug. Aren't we cute?

The next morning I brought mommy something I found around the house. I wanted her to open it for me but she didn't.

Here we are (can you even see me?) napping on the couch. Having visitors just wears me out.

That's right... I'm training her well, huh?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's still here

I guess I should say "she's" still here but I still am not quite sure what she is. Mommy and Daddy call her my little sister but clearly we are not related (she is quite strange looking if you ask me). I am starting to feel like she is mine though and for those who know me, you know I am very posessive of my things.

 Although I was not happy when she sat in my couch. WTH! She has a bed in every room of the house, why does she want to sit in MY couch?!
And while I am addressing injustices, I had to go to the New Mexican country club last weekend. For those of you familiar with Anne's country club in Oklahoma, you know there is nothing club-like about it. Let me tell you, the one here is even worse. I didn't take pictures, that's how awful it was. There were so many yippy chihuahaus that kept me up all night. And to top it off, the creature got to go visit Gram. Not fair!

Daddy felt really bad for me so I have been getting lots of attention lately. Somehow she always worms her way in on all of my attention though.

And finally, one of my more artistic photos, I call this pincher silhouette. Until next time...


Monday, October 15, 2012


I have to admit that I am actually starting to like the new pet. She is (kinda) fun. She gets down on the floor with me and waves her arms and kicks her legs at me and we play together. I've started giving her wet willies. There are very few creatures that I will give wet willies and she has now joined the circle.

This past week was kinda strange. There were all of these things hanging in the air every morning when I woke up. Daddy took me outside to check it out.

Then we got to see one of them come to the ground. All I cared is that this meant I got to go for a W-A-L-K. I did bark at the big things coming down though. One of them landed right in the middle of my neighborhood!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Last week was a little rough. Gram and Gramp were here so that was good but on top of this new creature, I had to go to the doctor. The doctor here in New Mexico is just as evil as the one in Oklahoma. They put this thing over my nose and during my shots I got so scared that I peed on the table. It was awful. My only saving grace is that the creature had to go to the doctor last week too!

We were both very tired afterwards. I guess we do have something in common because we both take lots of naps!

I am starting to become a little bit protective of her. I thought Gram and Gramp may take her with them but they left her so maybe she is here to stay. Here I am keeping an eye on her (I've been trying to sleep with one eye open). You just never know when she's gonna start making weird noises.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Big changes

Mommy and daddy brought home a new pet last week. I don't like it very much because it takes attention away from me. Mommy in particular has not been paying me much attention lately and I it isn't fair (I tell her this by rooting in the trash can and tearing things up, but then I always get in trouble). Mommy asked me to post this picture of her meeting the new pet for the first time.

Here I am meeting it for the first time. I am not so sure at this point...

I don't like sharing Daddy's attention but I've come to notice that if that other thing is getting attention and I get right up there next to it then I usually get a scratch and a kiss too.

I will leave you with a cute picture of yours truly. My toes are crossed that Mommy and Daddy decide to return the new creature. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Settling in

 The past month or so I have been busy getting settled in to my new digs. I think this is where I am staying. I like it okay but my nose is always kinda dry. There are lots of new sniffs though and mommy and I have been going on semi-regular walksters so that is always nice. The weather has been pretty decent as well. Here I am enjoying a nice day on my back patio.

Daddy was gone for a very long time. Mommy told me he would be home but I started not to believe her. I was so excited when he got back. Things are getting back to normal now.

Both of my Grams came to visit while Daddy was gone. We had so much fun, I don't know why they didn't stay. We also got a lot done around the house (I don't like painting). Here's my nice new water feature for my backyard.

Here is my nice new couch from Frontgate. Daddy promised me I could get a new one when we got the new house. It is really comfy and matches the decor. I even have a bone pillow with my name on it. Sometimes I prefer Mommy and Daddy's new couch now though. It's up high so I can keep an eye on everything.

One more thing... Mommy's lap has been getting smaller and smaller lately. I don't know if I should say something or not. I mean I like to eat too but it's getting a little out of hand when I can't even sit on it for her to pet me. I don't want to hurt her feelings though. What's a puppy to do?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vagrant puppy

This summer has been really confusing. I have been burning up the highways and I'm not really sure if I have a home anymore. Helping daddy keep an eye on the road. I liked my high perch.

 Did I mention that I have to sleep on air mattresses?!?

Here at I with my Gramp at Gram& Grampy Ferguson's. At least I like it here and I get lots of food thrown (or bombed) at me.

On the road again... This is starting to wear me out.

And again. Would someone please get this other puppy off of me?

Friday, March 9, 2012

What's going on?

I've got to be honest, things have been really weird here at 408 recently. It's been making me act a little wacky too. Mommy and daddy keep using the word "moving" but I don't really know what's going on. There are boxes everywhere and my house is in a total state of disarray. It's causing me to act a little weird too. Mommy found me hiding under the console table a while ago.
There's also newspaper and bubble stuff everywhere. When it's in my chair I just figure I may as well use it to cover me up.
Here is one of my favorite things though. I really like dryer sheets. I like the ripping sound they make when I shred them. And Mommy says I have nice fresh breath after I've been chewing on one.
Staring it down... And attacking.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thunder up

I used to dread the winter months because there was nothing to do, it was cold, and I didn't get to go on very many walks. Not anymore though! Ever since the Thunder have come to town (only had to go my first year without them and it was awful), I actually look forward to this time of year: THUNDER season! I love watching the games. I have something in common with almost every player. Last year Gram got me a Thunder necklace that I have been anxiously waiting to wear. Looks good huh?
I would also like to say that if Kevin Durant is reading this-I have lots of followers so you never know- I would like a KD puppy jersey. Mommy and I have looked everywhere and can't find one. I also have a baby Rumble which some of you know since I posted when I got him for Christmas. I really like to play with him. This is an old picture from when the playoffs were over last year. I was very depressed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolution

Happy new year to all of my readers. Again, I apologize for my hiatus. I feel like I have been saying that a lot lately, but let's just say that the latter part of 2011 has not been my year. I am excited for 2012 though. I know many of you probably make resolutions. Mine is to keep you up to date on my life and blog more frequently. Mommy and I have resolved this together. She has to help me type (I'm not very good at spelling). Here I am over the holidays with my new family members.
I am still not so sure about them, especially my human cousin. I didn't want Daddy to hold her. I just don't know what all the fuss is about, she doesn't even do tricks and can't do her business outside. And she takes attention away from me. I didn't even get to go to Christmas dinner this year!!!! I still can't even believe it myself...